From Branched Chain to all 9 essentials Aminos, we have formulas - with or without stimulants - to help your body synthesize protein to maintain and grow muscle. These are crucial in recovery of the body and althought taken in food consumption, can be supplemented for better uptake and with added daily activity.

What are amino acids?
Amino acids are the building blocks of protein. Proteins are long chains of amino acids. Your body has thousands of different proteins that each have important jobs. Each protein has its own sequence of amino acids. The sequence makes the protein take different shapes and have different functions in your body.
What do amino acids do?
Amino acids help:
Break down food. Grow and repair body tissue. Make hormones and brain chemicals (neurotransmitters). Provide an energy source. Maintain healthy skin, hair and nails. Build muscle. Boost your immune system. Sustain a normal digestive system.
Should I take amino acid supplements?
You can usually get all the essential amino acids your body needs by eating a healthy, balanced diet. However, some people take amino acid supplements to get better sleep, improve their mood and enhance athletic performance. This could be extrememly helpful for those with more active lifestyles.
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